Slovníček pojmů 9: základní a pokročilé dovednosti
Before taijiquan students start to fight, they should practise basic and advanced skills, forms in routines or the ability to „listen and react to the incoming force of their opponent“ in tuishou.
ji ben gong
basic / foundation skills
push (pushing)/sticky hands (a two-person training routine)
solo form (continuous sequential movements)
free fight
Basic skills
Basic skills include the ability to stand still in wuji (but in particular in basic taiji stances), to perform continuous, spiralling patterns (so called silk reeling), the ability to be rooted and push against the ground, as well as arms and legs techniques.
wuji static posture training
chan si gong
silk reeling (continuous, spiralling movements)
xia ban gong
lower body art
This includes leg and footwork, i.e the training of stances and step training. These techniques strenghten the lower body, improve leg coordination and train the very notion of balance and your own body centre.
foot and leg techniques (steps)
5 foot and leg techniques are associated with 5 elements:
- jin – advancing steps (fire)
- tui – retreating steps (water)
- gu – stepping to the left side (wood)
- pan – stepping to the right side (metal)
- ding – resting in the centre (earth)
hand techniques
8 hand techniques are associated with 8 trigrams. They include 4 direct / soft techniques:
a 4 corner (diagonal) / hard techniques:
- cai – pull down
- lie – split
- zhou – elbow strike
- kao – shoulder strike
joint lock techniques
Other skills
And what else do we need to practise? It is a good idea to stretch and loosen up. When exercising, concentrate on proper breathing, loosing up (relaxing your body), focusing your mind, first leading, and later releasing the energy (in fajins).
a set of stretching and loosening exercises to develop full-body mobility
peng jing
ward off energy
fang song
relax/ loosen up
sudden strike, explosive power, short and concentrated release of energy
deep abdominal breathing exercises
mental concentration / focusing the mind
the taoist method of leading qi; channelling and leading internal energy (activating body and limbs through internal energy navigated by the mind)
Vít Vojta – Umění tchaj-ťi čchűan
Bob Bacher – Bacher Taiji
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[…] Více o technikách používaných v tchaj-ťi čchüan naleznete ve Slovníčku pojmů 8: základní a pokročilé dovednosti […]
[…] Podrobnější informace o sestavách a dovednostech se můžete dočíst na stránce nazvané Sestavy Čchen tchaj-ťi čchüan nebo ve Slovníčku pojmů 8: základní a pokročilé dovednosti. […]
[…] Více o technikách rukou a nohou používaných v tchaj-ťi čchüan naleznete ve Slovníčku pojmů 9: základní a pokročilé dovednosti […]